Rawlinsons were engaged by Building Management and Works to provide full cost consultancy services for a primary school in the regional location of Carnarvon in the states north west. The scope of works consisted of the construction of 5 school buildings, removal and replacement of the existing car park and substantial landscaping works.
Rawlinsons worked with both the design team and the Client throughout the master planning, schematic design, design development and the contract documentation phases. At the completion of each milestone Rawlinsons completed a cost plan with accompanying report outlining all construction costs, allowances for appropriate contingencies to cover risks, escalation, professional fees, ESD requirements and any Client direct costs.

A significant component of the project was to connect the existing amalgamated school site to the public sewer. This consisted of local site pumping stations which feed to the pain site pumping station. From there a pressurised 180 dia. HDPE rising main would travel 2km along public land through verges and horizontal directional drilling under roads and driveways. This critical component of works was completed ahead of the programme and within budget.
Value engineering workshops were also conducted at both schematic design and design development in order to ensure that not only was the Client receiving the most economical project in terms of capital costs but also in terms of on-going maintenance and running costs, this was particularly relevant to the landscaping irrigation system used on site and a lot of research went into designing a system that was as environmentally friendly as possible. Planting and shrub selection also took into consideration the harsh climate of this region.
Following our success in Stage 2, Rawlinsons were engaged for Stage 3 Major Additions.