Rawlinsons are currently engaged by Building Management and Works (BMW), on behalf of the Department of Education, to provide full cost management consultancy services, including a Bill of Quantities, for Stage 1 Piara Waters Secondary College. The project scope was devised to be developed in two stages, Forward Works and Main Works (Stage 1).

The biggest single risk to the project was the likelihood of contaminated and latent conditions in the soil due to the varied use of the site over time. The first mitigation strategy was a requirement to undertake both a detailed desktop review of the site as well as comprehensive geotechnical investigation. The geotechnical investigation confirmed that that there were large amounts of asbestos fragments present in the ground along with other unnatural components. Rawlinsons project director, Niall Mc Aree, provided a recommendation to the client that a forward works package should be undertaken in order to mitigate the potential delay in dealing with the contaminated site.

The Main Contract (Stage 1) has reached Practical Completion and involved the construction of six buildings, providing the following facilities and functions; Administration, Student Services and Medical Centre, Community Classroom for Humanities and Social Sciences, Cafeteria, Science Learning Area, Information Resource Centre and Staffroom, Digital Technologies, Material Technology & Workshop, Food Sciences and Textiles, Health and Physical Education Learning Area and Education Support Hub.

The Main Contract scope also included outdoor sporting facilities catering for football, cricket, hockey and soccer, car parking and drop-off zones, bus bays, and associated external works and services including a 3.2m x 7m deep packaged sewer pump station.

In respect of our Quantity Surveying services, at the various stages of pre-contract prior to contract award, our estimates and costings were competitive and within 5% range difference from the project budget and Contractors tender prices. Amid the global Covid-19 pandemic events, the awarded contract sum was competitive and within the project budget.
Rawlinsons have been awarded Stage 2 in 2024.